Tips For Your First Bikram Hot Yoga Class.

In a traditional Bikram Hot Hatha yoga class, the room is heated to 105 degrees plus and the humidity set at 40 percent for reasons to mimic the weather in India. Thinking about completing the 26 postures in this class for an hour and a half in that “weather” can seem very intimidating. Working first hand at the front of a yoga studio gave insight on a few hints and tricks that can help someone be prepared. Know before you go because you want to start off your first class right!

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The Power of The Seven Chakras.

We may have seen the chakra symbols while shopping in a store, but what really do these symbols translate to? Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. In yoga, this word refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. When one or more of the seven ‘basic’ chakras become blocked, and energy halts, physical and mental ‘illness’ can occur. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these seven chakras and how to keep energy flowing throughout the body. Here’s what you need to know:

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Pranayama: Finding Mindfulness.

Pranayama is the breath, the guidance, the life force. Our breath and our lungs are taken for granted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We mindlessly inhale and exhale the earths air. We take our first breath when we exit the womb, and continue to breathe on each and everyday. Through my own yoga journey, I was taught to use my breath to guide me. To guide me through my practice, and carry that out throughout my day. Once the breath is understood, it can be used as a tool. What exactly would happen if we slowed down and focused in on every inhale and exhale?

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